Drimare Wikia
Drimare Wikia

The following is a list of known Drimare terminology.

More TBA

Referring to Drimare Species[]

Drimare term Human translation
Bud A Plant Drimare child, most commonly used by the Flower Drimare. It can also be used against a Plant Drimare in a way to be demeaning to them or calling them child-like. Can be used as short for "buddy", but regardless, Plant Drimare, especially Flowers, tend to react negatively when it's used as an insult.
Garden A group of Flower Drimare.
Forest A group of Tree Drimare.
Rainbow Can mean a regular rainbow, but it's mostly used to refer to Rainbow Drimare.
Fallen A banished Angel Drimare.

Referring to Gods and other Entities[]

Drimare term Human translation
Moon God, Sand God In reference to the Sandman.
Khepri In reference to the Sandman. Used by Kheprians, who worship Sandman under a different name.
Sun Goddess, Storm Goddess, Cloud Goddess In reference to Dawn.


Drimare term Human translation
Oh my Dawn/For the love of Dawn/Etc. The equivalent to "Oh my God", but in reference to the Drimare goddess Dawn.
Santa Madre Lucia Translates to "Holy Mother Lucia". Another "Oh my God" type of expletive. This one is mainly used by Hispanic speakers in Bonemaw in reference to the Reaper Lucia.


Drimare term Human translation
Amaranthian Refers to something or someone from the Amaranth region.
Soarites Used to refer to those from the Soarite region.
Dropteran Refers to something or someone from the Droptera region.