Drimare Wikia
Drimare Wikia

"Uh oh! This isn't right!"
This article has content that is not Canon to Drimare Universe and mostly exists for archiving reasons. Unlike an Outdated Article, this information is not getting updated to match the current canon.

Malice in Wonderland was intended to be a short comic, made back in 2015.

Despite its very misleading title, the comic has nothing to do with the Alice in Wonderland story, instead being a short story about Malice invading a closed theme park and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The comic was drawn traditionally and coloured digitally, however, halfway throughout colouring the third page, the project was abandoned due to lack of interest.


  • Malice
  • Charlotte (Feat her old design)
  • Hokus Pokus (I never got to the part where he showed up, but he was intended to be a character on it)


The story focuses on Malice visiting the no-longer-canon "FunPark", formerly located in the Rem Forest.

Even though the park is closed, Malice still wants to have fun by himself and comes across Charlotte, one of the park's many worker robots.

She promptly tells him that the park is closed and requests that he return the following day. Malice isn't too interested in this however, and tricks the robot into jumping into a fountain with the implication that there's a drowning child in there and they need help.

Charlotte does this and proceeds to malfunction and Malice has the park for himself, enjoying all the attractions until he sees a haunted house. Excited, he goes in, only to be met with Hokus Pokus, the ghost clown, who Malice initially mistakes for a prop and proceeds to avoid due to finding him to be creepy.

Annoyed by the mess that the snake Reaper is making in his home, Hokus Pokus begins playing pranks back on him, Malice getting anxious as he did not expect all the creepy clown imagery, which triggers his coulrophobia.

Eventually Hokus Pokus reveals himself to having been a ghost all along. And despite being a literal death spirit, in that moment Malice just completely forgets he's a Reaper and is just so terrified that he just flies off, scared off the park.
